Shea Butter Unraffinierte 100% reine, Rohmaterial, Natural & Organic | African Shea Butter Cream Für Ekzem, dringt durch Schichten von Skin Deep, beschleunigt die Zellerneuerung Re Spendet Feuchtigkeit & Reparaturen Hände, Füße, Lippen, Haar und Kopfhaut. Für empfindliche Haut, Babys, in der Schwangerschaft, um Schwangerschaftsstreifen zu verhindern – Vorteile für alle Skin Lotion garantiert! | 100g, 250g, 500g, 1kg (500g)

Shea Butter Unraffinierte 100% reine, Rohmaterial, Natural & Organic | African Shea Butter Cream Für Ekzem, dringt durch Schichten von Skin Deep, beschleunigt die Zellerneuerung Re Spendet Feuchtigkeit & Reparaturen Hände, Füße, Lippen, Haar und Kopfhaut. Für empfindliche Haut, Babys, in der Schwangerschaft, um Schwangerschaftsstreifen zu verhindern – Vorteile für alle Skin Lotion garantiert! | 100g, 250g, 500g, 1kg (500g)

SheaLite Unrefined Shea Butter. What Makes Our Pure Virgin Shea Butter the Best purchase For Your Money?Our shea butter is the best choice as it does not clog the pores, but allows your skin to breathe freely, which is a very important factor for enduring the heat of summer months. Shea butter also provides relief after tans or from sunburns that can typically cause redding of the skin. It gently soothes and moisturizes your skin, and keeps it soft throughout the harsh weathering seasonal change


Mehr Sheabutter Produkte

3x Dudu-Osun African Black Soap (100% Pure) Seife – bei Hautproblemen (Akne, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Ekzeme) aus USa

3x Dudu-Osun African Black Soap (100% Pure) Seife – bei Hautproblemen (Akne, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Ekzeme) aus USa

  • Dudu Osun Black Soap, Original African black soap made in Nigeria.
  • Nature’s Cure for All Skin Problems and Skin Types
  • Anti Bacterial. Great for Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne and Dermatitis!
  • Made from Shea Butter, keeps skin silky smooth.
  • Je 150g

Specially formulated entirely from natural ingredients and herbs, this soap will have you feeling refreshed and silky smooth. Restores damaged skin and is helpful in healing chronic eczema, acne, freckles and dark spots. Scented with Osun (Camwood extract) citrus juices and native honey. Bio-degradable. No Preservatives, no preservatives and no artificial colors. Contains ingredients from natural plants and herbs from the tropical rain forest and Savannah regions such as Aloe Vera and natural vi
